It's easy and fun to start showing your Pinto with Ontario Pinto Horse Association (OPtHA)!
You have to register your horse with Pinto Horse Association of American. (PtHA)
You can do that by contacting the PtHA and filling out the registration forms and submitting the necessary information and fees and wait approximately 6 weeks. See our PtHA forms page for Registration forms.
Same day temporary registration can be completed at the show, if you don’t have time to wait 6
weeks to get your registration from PtHA. Be sure to let the show manager know that you will require on-site registration at least three days before the show or you can contact our local Ontario
Field Representative Carolyn Washburn directly at 905-873-2168.
If your horse is not a registered Pinto you can still show with us – we offer All-Breed classes at our regular shows.
If you want to show in Youth or in Amateur classes, you have to own the horse you want to show or you will have to lease that horse from the current owner. See our PtHA forms page for the Lease form.
If an immediate family member owns the horse, you will have to fill out a family relationship form before you can show that horse in any Youth or Amateur class. See our PtHA forms page for the Family Relationship form.
As a Rider:
must have a current membership with PtHA. If you are riding someone else’s horse both you and the horse’s registered owner must have a current PtHA membership. You can get that directly from PtHA or
we have the forms at our OPtHA shows. OPtHA can collect membership fees and information on behalf of PtHA. We ask that you provide credit card information as the payment option. See our PtHA forms page for the PtHA membership form.
Be sure to get your Ontario Pinto membership so you can accumulate OPtHA points towards our own Ontario year-end awards and join in our members only events like our Fall Colours Trail Ride. See our Membership page for the Ontario Pinto membership form.
If you want to show in Amateur classes you must also apply for an Amateur membership.
If the horse you are riding is registered in someone else’s name, that owner must also have a current PtHA membership.
Get a PtHA Official Rule Book and familiarize yourself with rules and regulations of the classes that you plan on entering. Prepare yourself for what will be expected of you, attire, tack &
equipment and performance. See our PtHA forms page for a Rule book link
On Show Day:
must fill out an Ontario Pinto Horse Association entry form on or before show day. If you send in your entries to our show secretary three days prior to the show we will give you a 10% discount. Show
fees that are payable on show day may be paid by cash or personal cheque. See our Class List & Forms page for the Entry form.
Be sure to bring either originals or photocopies of:
· Your Horse’s PtHA Registration Papers
· Your current PtHA membership card
· Horse owner’s PtHA membership card (if you don’t own the horse)
· Your Amateur card (if you are showing in Amateur classes)
· Family Relationship form (for a horse owned by a family member)
Are you interested in becoming a member but still have some questions? For more information, use our contact form or download our membership form directly. We look forward to hearing from you!
NEW MEMBER BONUS: We would like to invite you to come and show with us! Ontario Pinto will give you one free judge* at your first Ontario Pinto show! Just mention this offer at the entry booth and get ready for a fun day!
*Note: This offer applies to Pinto classes only. All-breed classes not included.