Ferguson Veterinary Services, Caledon Ontario http://fergusonequine.com/
Hors’n Around Stables, Caledon Ontario https://www.facebook.com/groups/713250895378793/
Roth Diamond Tools Ltd, Orangeville, Ontario https://411.ca/business/profile/2836090
Carolyn Washburn
Grant Accounting Services
Triple T Acres, Grand Valley Ontario
Natalie Baumlisberger
Windy Field Farms, Grand Valley Ontario https://www.windyfieldfarms.com/
Paul Kleinpaste Farrier Services
Zebroski and Associates Accountants, Waterloo Ontario http://www.zebroskiandassociates.ca/
Deer Ridge Heights: Pat George, Breslau Ontario https://local.infobel.ca/CA100192546-5196482285/deer_ridge_heights_inc-breslau.html
Northfield Trim and Doors Inc, Waterloo Ontario http://www.northfieldtrimanddoor.ca/
K & G Trophy & Gifts https://www.facebook.com/KGTrophyandEngraving/
4th Line Cattle Co https://www.4thlinecattleco.ca/
Micheal King
Delta Air Systems https://www.facebook.com/DeltaAirSystems/
Katie's Horse Care Supply https://katieshorsecaresupply.ca/
Jones Feed MIll https://www.jfm.ca/
Are you interested in becoming a member but still have some questions? For more information, use our contact form or download our membership form directly. We look forward to hearing from you!
NEW MEMBER BONUS: We would like to invite you to come and show with us! Ontario Pinto will give you one free judge* at your first Ontario Pinto show! Just mention this offer at the entry booth and get ready for a fun day!
*Note: This offer applies to Pinto classes only. All-breed classes not included.